Antonio Muñiz was born and raised in Chihuahua, México. From an early age, I came to understand that life was rather rigid, defined by boundaries and expectations which did not fit my natural instincts. My first ever painting was at nine years old, of a room with four walls in the house of my mother. Using Fumage as my compositional base, I use movement and color to produce multidimensional energy. As each of these layers integrate, they introduce new information and perspectives, producing limitless realities and unity within each of my abstract terrains. These layers of space become a process of opening portals and world building. Every completed painting represents an exciting energetic interpretation of movement simultaneously connecting past, present, and future.
Aspiring to reveal the metaphysical through the surrealist methodology of fumage and automatism, my work is an abstract amalgamation of color, movement, and space, as fluid and as boundless as fire and smoke itself.